Antique Fine Japanese

1960s Vintage TAMOTSU YATO Japanese Male Nude Naked Asian Photo Art Gay Interest

1960s Vintage TAMOTSU YATO Japanese Male Nude Naked Asian Photo Art Gay Interest

1960s Vintage TAMOTSU YATO Japanese Male Nude Naked Asian Photo Art Gay Interest

1960's Authentic Vintage TAMOTSU YATO Photo Gravure. Since 1989 - The Name You Can Trust For Fine Vintage Photogravures, Photographs & Antique Prints.

Serving the Design & Decor trades for over 25 years. See our vintage and original prints featured in. And other fine quality publications.

This Vintage Print Comes Professionally Dry Mounted On Acid Free Conservation Mat Board and Ready To Place In A Standard Size Frame. Photographer: Tamotsu Yato (Japan, 1928 - 1973) - renowned Japanese photographer best known for his sensual studies of the Asian male (please see below for more information). Subject: Japanese male bodybuilder, athlete, model.

Date Of Negative: Circa late 1960's - 1971 Type Of Print: Vintage Sheet Fed Photogravure (from original negative/print - authorized by Tamotsu Yato). Date Of Print: 1972 (51+ years old) Printmaker/Engraver: Nissha Printing Company, Kyoto, Japan. Paper: Medium weight clay coat, semi-gloss finish Print Origin: Japan Approximate Image Size: 7 x 4.75 inches Mount Board Size: 11 x 14 inches. Mount Board Color: White/Black Print Border: No - full bleed print.

Condition Grade: Extra Fine + +. Verso: Professionally dry mounted with archival materials onto 4ply museum mat board.

Certificate Of Authenticity (COA): Yes - individual hand signed COA from Fine Photo Galleries. This vintage photography print is guaranteed to be authentic and comes with a hand signed. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY (COA) with unique individual registered serial number from the Fine Photo Galleries Archive & Database. READY FOR FRAMING & DISPLAY!

Photography prints are highly collectible and perfect for framing and display. Your vintage print will arrive ready to be placed directly into a standard size frame. Each vintage artwork comes with a fully authenticated gallery certified COA (Certificate Of Authenticity) issued by Fine Photo Galleries, LLC.. This COA contains a unique serial number and small corresponding tamper proof hologram with matching serial number affixed to the backside of the print mount board with archival adhesive. Our exclusive authentication system and the ensuing COA/Hologram not only provides our clients with essential peace of mind but, adds value to the print in the future by providing provenance and the original gallery authenticity guarantee documents. WE LIST DOZENS OF NEW ARRIVALS EVERY DAY! Where you can search our World Class Selection of authentic vintage prints by photographer, subject or process. Browse THOUSANDS of fine vintage photography prints from silver gelatin to photogravure. Never a copy print, never a reprint! Unauthorized copying or use of ANY PART of this description is prohibited.
1960s Vintage TAMOTSU YATO Japanese Male Nude Naked Asian Photo Art Gay Interest